
South Reading Patient Voice will meet at 6pm on Wednesday, 15th September 2021

South Reading Patient Voice will be meeting on Wednesday 15th September at 6pm.

We will have Dr Andy Ciecierski on behalf of Berkshire West CCG to introduce and lead a discussion on "Same day primary care" - relating to the Walk-in primary care service.

Primary Care Commissioning Committee for BOB meets at 10am on Thursday 16th September 2021

The Primary Care Commissiong Committees of the the 3 CCGs making up the BOB Integrated Care System area meet in common at 10am on Thursday 16th September.

Then meeting will take place online using Microsoft Teams.

Please use this link to join the meeting .

Older People's Day in Reading 1st October 2021

Reading will mark Older People's Day on Friday 1st October.

Stalls and activities will be in Broad Street Mall from 10am to 3pm.

Readings Health and Wellbeing Board meets on Friday 8th October at 2pm

Reading's Health and Wellbeing Board will meet on Friday 8th October at 2pm. Questions should be sent to 2 weeks before.

Primary Care Commissioning Committee meets online at 11.30 onTue 13th July

The Primary Care Commissioning Committee meets (in common with those for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire) online at 11.30am on Tuesday 13th July 2021.

Health and Wellbeing Board meets Online at 2pm on Fri 16th July

Reading's Health and Wellbeing board meets at 2pm on Friday, 16th July. To join online please email .

NHS Digital Playbooks - Are These the Future of Healthcare?

NHS England's digital arm, NHSX, has produced a set of digital playbooks covering different areas of healthcare and showing examples of how digital technology can transform these areas.

Have a look for yourself

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