Draft Strategy for Western Berkshire Integrated Care System

The new Integrated Care System for the western part of Berkshire, under chair Luke March, has produced a draft strategy for the NHS in western Berkshire. The document is available below.

The western Berkshire Accountable Care System (ACS) is a coordinating body, formed by Memorandum of Understanding, between the main NHS healthcare providers, Royal Berkshire Hospital and Berkshire Healthcare and the Clinical Commissioning Groups for the constituent areas. It is expected that local authorities, with their health and caring responsibilities will also be associated with the

The ICS is planning to see primary care organised into larger "hubs" of practices, around which extended community services can be organised. The frailest part of the population will be offered more services in the community to avoid their reaching a crisis demanding emergency care. Some outpatient treatment will move from hospital to the hubs. Prevention of ill-health will be supported. Mental health services will be expanded and made more accessible. Treatment pathways are to be made more efficient as the separate providers integrate their services.

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Draft Strategy - Western Berkshire Integrated Care System (PDF) 368.38 KB