Health Profile for South Reading Locality

Public Health England creates summary health profiles for all Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) areas. As the South reading locality was an independent CCG in 2017 a health profile is available for it for 2017 and earlier years - please see the attached documents below. This summarises social conditions relevant to health and wellbeing and health outcomes for the people of South Reading.

There is also a summary profile for the whole of Reading .

The South Reading area cover a large part of Reading south of the river Thames. All patients registered with its GP practices are covered by the South Reading locality of the Berkshire West CCG.

Attachment Size
South Reading CCG Profile 2017 (PDF) 5.51 MB
South Reading CCG Profile 2016 (PDF) 5.47 MB
South Reading CCG Profile 2015 (PDF) 4.94 MB