Mental Health Awareness Week 2015

Mental Health Awareness Week 2015 runs from Monday 11th May to Sunday 17th May.

There will be a presence from the BHFT Talking Therapies team in the lobby of the Royal Berkshire Hospital during the week.

Berkshire Carers' Service is running an event about access to information for carers for mental health patients at the Oakwood Centre on Thursday 16th at 2pm.

Reading Your Way at 127 Oxford Road will be providing a Mindfulness Taster on Tuesday 12th May at 10am and a drop-in session from 2-4pm on the same day.

The Reader Organisation reminds us of its regular Monday reading group at Central Library from 2.30-4.00pm.

Attachment Size
Mindfulness Session 12th May (PDF) 37.26 KB
Reading group (every Monday) (PDF) 76.57 KB