South Reading CCG Governing Body meets in Public on Wed 2nd Dec at 9.30

The Governing Body of South Reading CCG meets on Wednesday 2nd December at 9.30 at the Museum of Rural Life, Redlands Road, RG1 5EX

The matter to be discussed includes the plan for 4 Berkshire West CCGs, the acute, community/mental-health and ambulance foundation trusts and three local authorities to delegate all their powers to a new integration body to commission integrated healthcare across Berkshire West - for a population of roughly 500,000 people. At first sight the plan seems to offer very little in the way of transparency and public consultation - hopefully more detail will show something more compatible with the slogan "No decision about me without me".

If wishing to attend, please notify organisers at by 12 noon on Tuesday, 1st December.

Questions for the board must be submitted by 12 noon on Tuesday, 1st December.