SRPV meeting on Wednesday, 23rd September 2015

South Reading Patient Voice will meet on 23rd September at the NEW TIME of 6pm at 94, London Street, RG1 4SJ.

The meeting will take the form of an AGM - with a review of the year's activity, planning ahead for future meetings and activities, and elections for the offices of chair, vice-chair and information officer.

We will also review our "key messages" on the Berkshire West Primary Care Strategy and discuss the recent engagement event at the CCG AGM, and review news from PPGs and the CCG.

Attachment Size
Agenda for meeting of 23rd September 2015 (PDF) 28.6 KB
Review of the Year 2014-5 (PDF) 21.9 KB
Draft Minutes of Meeting of 29th July 2015 (PDF) 36.03 KB
Draft Key Messages from SRPV on Primary Care Strategy (PDF) 79.04 KB