RBH, our District General Hospital, SRPV Meeting of 27 September 2017

South Reading Patient Voice will be meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, 27th September at 94, London Street, Reading RG14SJ - Reading Community Learning Centre. We will hear a talk from David Cooper - until recently Lead Governor at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust. We will also discuss our response to the proposal to merge Berkshire West CCGs and create an Accountable Care System, news from local Patient Participation Groups and the local health economy.

Attachment Size
Agenda for SRPV Meeting 27 September 2017 (PDF) 27.63 KB
Slides by David Cooper about RBH Governance (PPTX) 584.2 KB
Minutes of SRPV Meeting 27 September 2017 (PDF) 56.65 KB
Wed, 2017-09-27 18:00
RCLC, 94, London Street, RG1 4SJ