Reading's Health and Wellbeing - Cllr Graeme Hoskin - SRPV meeting of 26 September 2018

South Reading Patient Voice meets at 6pm on Wednesday 26th September 2018 at RCLC, 94, London Street, RG1 4SJ.

Reading's Health and Wellbeing Board oversees and coordinates social care and health care in Reading. Chair Councillor Graeme Hoskin will be able to tell us about its work and about the state of care in our borough.

In addition, we will hear news from Patient Participation Groups, Reading Healthwatch and the local health system.

All patients registered with a GP surgery in the South Reading Clinical Commissioning Locality are welcome.

Attachment Size
Agenda for SRPV meeting of 26th September 2018 (PDF) 49.31 KB
Minutes of SRPV meeting of 26th September 2018 (PDF) 84.35 KB
GP Surgeries with poorly ranked patient feedback (PDF) 268.23 KB
Wed, 2018-09-26 18:00
RCLC, 94, London Street, RG1 4SJ