The detailed plans for redevelopment of the St Paul's Church site in Whitley Wood Lane, with new church facilities and a substantial surgery building over 3 floors were submitted to Reading Borough Council in October. It is planning application 191265.
View the plans for the new South Reading Health Hub
South Reading Patient Voice will meet online at 6pm on Wednesday, 18th November 2020.
There will be a short introduction to vaccines against Covid-19, news from local PPGs, and reports from local health providers and their public meetings.
Please see the attached agenda for joining details.
The Governing Body of the Berkshire West CCG meets in public from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Tuesday, 8th December 2020.
Further details willl apear closer to the meeting.
Pulse magazine has reported that GP practices will be able to opt in to offering self-administered Covid-19 swab testing for symptomatic patients, practice staff and members and their households.
Government has mandated local authorities to locate and communicate with those Covid confirmed people and their contacts that the national system has not been able to reach.
Indepedent SAGE on 30th October cited this graph on the ineffectiveness of the "NHS" test, trace, isolate and support system.
Reading's Public Health Consultant, David Munday, has recorded a message about Tier 4 for all residents of Reading . ....