National Commissioning Board Had Concerns over Berkshire West CCG Federation Governance

The minutes of the CCG Authorisation Sub-Committee from December show that the NCB before authorising the Berkshire West CCGs, did have concerns over the structure of the Berkshire West Federation.

Group Meeting on Wednesday, 27th February 2013

The South Reading Patient Voice will meet at the University Health Centre on Northcourt Avenue at 6pm-7:30pm on Wednesday, 27th February 2013.

38 degrees Campaign Petitions Commissioning Group

On 1st February, the local branch of the national 38 degrees campaign presented a petition to the South Reading NHS Clinical Commissioning Group as part of their national campaign.

Patient Voice Gives Views on New Multi-Supplier (AQP) Programme

At the meeting of 30th January the national AQP (any qualified provider) programme was discussed.

Social Care standards to be set by National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence

From April 2013, NICE will develop a library of quality standards and guidance to improve the quality of care and support,

Group Meeting on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

The South Reading Patient Voice will meet at the University Health Centre on Northcourt Avenue at 6pm-7:30pm on Wednesday, 30th January 2013.

Reading Borough Council publishes response to Health and Well-Being Strategy Consultation

In a paper to be considered at the (shadow) Health and Well-Being Board on 25th January 2013, Reading Borough Council has published its response to the public consultation on Reading's Health and Well-Being Strategy for 2013-14. Please see the attached link for access to this paper. Much of the comment is in the way of fleshing out the strategy and changing or introducing new points of emphasis. It is stressed that the strategy is an evolving document.

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